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The value of Excellent industrial design

According to the American Association of calculation: $ 1 invested in industrial design can bring 1500-2500 dollars in sales revenue! Industrial design brings tremendous business benefits. Industrial Design in the value of how much of a product component, is not easy to quantify, because it is inherent in the inside, is a soft value, its content is cultural value, is the mechanism the state, a reflection of the level of competence. Foreign somewhat similar analogy, such as the United States has such a statement, of course, is not very precise: the enterprise if the investment in technology and equipment to update brings benefits, then the benefits of industrial design is that it's five times. If you invested $ 1,000 in benefits on the device is ten percent, then this $ 1,000 investment designed to bring the benefits will be eighty per cent, at least sixty per cent, as it added high-value, high-profit. Britain's Margaret Thatcher as early as 20 years ago, said that the British government can not have, but could not do without design. Britain's success relied primarily driven design.